Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Better late than never :)

So...I'm very late in posting this pic, considering I did it for halloween :( 
I've also been busy and did another craft fair on November 21 with super cute and new ornaments (that were a big hit...yay!)  and I cooked a huge thanksgiving dinner!  So it was a super crazy month and December is shaping up to be the same...eggnog, gifts, cards, and cookies!  I just can't wait.... anyway enjoy this here slightly old picture and soon I'll display the lovely ornments I made. 


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Not Halloween anymore :(

So how was everyone's halloween?  Mine was super awesome..filled with spiked punch, pumpkin carving, and general run-a-muck.  I carved a sugar skull pumpkin and tried my best with the tiny crappy kid's saw thingy...and Emory's is intensely scared of the red candle.  We also had an awesome Halloween party at the house with good friends and warm food and drink for the rainy uckiness of the outside.
And of course I had to do a painting about candy corn, because I know a lot of people love it but I just can't get on the candy corn bus.  I don't know it just doesn't taste yummmy to me.  So I made some zombie candy corn...enjoy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I have returned and with FACIAL HAIR!!!! eek

Okay, I've decided that maintaining and keeping a blog is a very, very, very hard thing to do and for everyone who does....YOU ARE SUPER AWESOME!!!  And I've decided I want to be super awesome too, so I'm going to actually do what I always say I will do....post more, even if it's not all that great and most likely boring :P
It's been a busy summer multitudes of weddings (7 to be exact) I know that's a ton for one summer.  My friend Cat got married up in Chicago and I made the flight home to St. Louis and metup with mom and made cupcakes for the weddin', then we drove the 3 hours and had tons-o-fun, drinking, dancing, wearing awesome fake mustaches (see above).  Anyways all the wedding have been fun and it's great seeing old friends and meeting new ones, but after all is said and done I only have 2 left and that's all the weddings I can handle, no more, if you have one I'm sorry but I've met my quota for the year :)
Alright well tons of fun, it's tuesday not monday so YAY and everyone have a super fabulous day!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's That Time Again!

It's ICE time baby!  Once again I will be participating in the Indie Craft Experience at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta and this year it's 2 days!!!!!  Everyone try and contain yourselves :)
This year I will also be sharing a booth with a fellow coworker Diana Johnson (her stuff is super fun and cute!)  so everyone should come out and see us May 30-31.  Woohoo crafting!

Monday, March 30, 2009

April Kraftwork!!

Hi all!  I'm glad to say that I will be in this month's Kraftwork in Young Blood Gallery..yay :)
So if you're in the Atlanta area stop by and check it out, there will be other awesome vendors along with myself and tons-o-fun! 
Hope to see you there!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pb&J and springing forward.

I'm not a big fan of springing forward...I don't like the idea of loosing an hour of my precious sleep, it's not fun.  So to make myself smile I think of Pb & J and not the one you're most likely thinking about...I'm talking peanut butter and jelly...FISH.  Yay for jellyfish and all their cuteness to draw!  I just imagine that they like peanut butter as much as I do (and I do...a lot!) and I'm assuming that they are not fond of loosing an hour either.

Anyway so everyone enjoy today and have a peanut butter sandwich or draw a jellyfish enjoying one if you don't...happy sunday!

me :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Long time no post :P  I'm going to be posting some artwork and saying hello more often...I feel like being artsy again!  Here's an old series I painted but never had time to put on my website, did some spraypainting and such...I enjoyed it!  My fav was getting to paint nursery rhyme characters with crazy hair.  Enjoy and I'll be around :)